What does walking have to do with leadership? Plenty!
Having vision, being able to move forward, creating connections and exchanging ideas are all facets of effective leadership. One simple way to advance these assets is to walk.
Quantitative and qualitative data have demonstrated that walking boosts creativity, helps in problem-solving and, when done with others, promotes shared ideation and builds relationships.
A new movement Movement, Leadership N’ Motion, is gaining traction. By blending leadership strategies with walking, emerging and practiced leaders gain awareness, self-management and relationship-building skills.
To start, there is an untethering from desks and devices. Good leaders move about and get to know who and what is around them. There is a liberation that happens in the mind and the body when walking and a greater sensory awareness of the surroundings. Open-minded and keenly aware leaders attract followers.
While walking, the eyes move side to side and the arms and legs swing as different parts of the brain are activated and more oxygen and endorphins are available. Walking often elicits a more relaxed state which, as neuroscientists have identified, contributes to insights. Walking at a slower cadence, especially if coupled with a meditative focus – such as counting steps, creates a deeper sense of calm. When we slow down we have access to a wider field of information than when we are in a driven or rushed state. Don’t we all want to be leaders – or be led by others - who can respond calmly and be innovative while maintaining focus and composure?
Walking is an interplay of ground and atmosphere. The ground is where footsteps fall, paths are carved, motion is made visible, stands are taken and where people convene. The atmosphere is that which is beyond sight; it is fields and waves of energies from where creativity and new possibilities spring forth. A leader who can be grounded and also live comfortably with the unseen and uncertainty demonstrates range and flexibility. Walking helps ignite and sustain conscious and multi-dimensional leadership.
Want to cultivate or re-charge yourself as a leader? Leadership N’ Motion’s three-day aWALKening to Personal Leadership retreats create the space to unplug from your busyness and tune into yourself and nature in the company of other like-minded walking leaders (coming to Vermont, USA in August 2016). Empowered leaders empower others: They walk their walk! For more details, visit www.awalkening.com.