Round pegs in square holes. How do you know the fit?
Did You Know?
- 46% of new hires fail within 18 months
- Only 19% will achieve unequivocal success
- Technical skills are not the primary reason for failure.
The Profile XT assessment measures how well an individual fits specific jobs in your organization. The “job matching” feature of the PXT is unique, and it enables you to evaluate an individual relative to the qualities required to successfully perform in a specific job. It is used throughout the employee life cycle for selection, on boarding, managing, and strategic workforce planning.
Assessments are a wonderful complement to hiring, talent development, and coaching.

This assessment reveals consistent, in-depth, and objective insight into an individual’s thinking and reasoning style, relevant behavioral traits, occupational interests, and match to specific jobs in your organization. It helps your managers interview and select people who have the highest probability of being successful in a role, and provides practical recommendations for coaching them to maximum performance. It also gives your organization consistent language and metrics to support strategic workforce and succession planning, talent management and reorganization efforts.
Recently, Jan introduced me to Profile XT. As a Human Resources Business Partner for a technology company, I am familiar with several profiling tools and have tested several others. For me, the value of the Profile XT report was in the delivery, the analysis of the results and comparison to data from thousands of other people. Had I simply read the report, I would not have derived such great value - in fact I would have mislead myself by reading what I wanted into the results! Although I learned much about myself that was not revealed in other assessments, there was one factor in particular, regarding my communication style that made a significant impact on me. I was able to implement immediate changes based on that new knowledge and have achieved a significant Improvement in 2 of my key client relationships that I would have otherwise thought beyond reach. Although the cost is above that of the other tools I previously used, the rich data-based feedback from this tool sets it apart from the others. The cost is clearly an investment, not an expense and should be viewed that way.